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the tean GmbH & Co KG
Graben 30 / Top 8
1010 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 35 36 006
Company register number: 467484b
Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
UID No.: ATU72106259


Represented by the tean GmbH
Graben 30 / Top 8
1010 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 35 36 006
Company register number: 463699k
Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
Managing Director: Dr. Michael Prohaska


Search engine optimization

SEO by SEO Agency ithelps


Picture credits

We thank the creators of the pictures on our website:

Andrea Piacquadio, Christian Binder, DALLE/ChatGPT, Daniel Müllner, Denise Laube, InstaWalli, kununu, Midjourney, Pexels, Pixabay, Shutterstock, Skeeze, xresch, Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery/Future for Elephants.


Symbol credits

Online Web Fonts

Werkstraße 10
9444 Diepoldsau
+41 772611344