
Moonshot thinking goes back to John F. Kennedy's speech in 1962, in which he announced the moon landing at the end of the decade. At the time, this goal seemed almost unattainable. However, great efforts ultimately led to success: Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon in 1969.

Today, the term moonshot thinking stands for boundless thinking and an unshakeable belief in making the seemingly impossible possible and bringing about revolutionary change. Large technology companies such as Google have departments that focus exclusively on moonshot ideas in order to help shape the future.


We also live moonshot thinking. To this end, we have created a structure that enables us to work on several moonshots – our ROCKETS – in parallel. As a technology company, we develop the ROCKETS. AI ROCKETS AG provides the financing as a venture builder.

Our ROCKETS are AI-based digital platforms that emerge from projects or ideas that fit our vision and become independent companies.

1. They solve a complex problem that affects millions of people.

2. They offer a disruptive solution that does not yet exist on the market.

3. They are based on the new technologies of AI and digital platforms.


Complex problem

We deal with complex problems that affect millions – or even billions – of people worldwide and are difficult to solve. These can include problems in the areas of climate protection, health, social inequality or industrial sovereignty in terms of international competitiveness.

Complex problem


New technology

We develop AI-based digital platforms (AI as a service). In doing so, we can generate new information and concepts in real time and recognize complex patterns in large amounts of data. We do not focus on generative AI (such as ChatGPT), but on discriminative AI and predictive AI.

Disruptive solution

Our goal is to simplify and improve the lives of people around the world. We focus on disruptive solutions that represent a completely new solution on the market, are scalable worldwide and have the potential to replace existing solutions from previously dominant market players.


In our ROCKETS, we combine two megatrends to make life and work easier for people with our solutions.

Megatrend 1:
Artificial Intelligence

The disruptive technology of the future

Megatrend 2:
Digital Platforms

The business model of the future

This makes us a European alternative for the development of AI-based digital platforms. Unfortunately, Europe is currently poorly positioned in this respect. This is problematic because seven of the ten most valuable companies in the world are digital platforms. No other business model is as scalable and profitable.



tinexx is an AI-based digital B2B service platform for checking technical damage and maintenance invoices in the automotive and elementary sectors.

tinexx is the first fully automated invoice verification on the market using cognitive robots (AI as a Service): All steps – from capturing and checking to approving the invoices – are carried out by AI in real time.

This shortens processes from days to seconds. The cost efficiency for companies is more than 500 percent. The main target groups are insurance, housing, leasing and fleet companies.


entiendoo is an AI-based digital B2C service platform that offers the first digital access to better hearing.

The services offered on the platform range from information and hearing tests to the purchase, fitting and maintenance of hearing aids and other treatment options. Digital access can save a lot of time: This addresses target groups for whom there is no service yet.

Currently, one in five people worldwide suffers from hearing loss; by 2050, this figure is expected to rise to one in four. Of these, 700 million people will need hearing aids, including many young people.



greenbal is a potential new ROCKET that is currently still in the evaluation phase.

The aim of greenbal is to create an AI-based digital platform through which companies can automatically extract CO2-relevant information from their data and carry out an assessment.

The aim is to create a solution that supports compliance with the new EU directive on greater transparency in sustainability: Companies will be required to provide information on their CO2 footprint.

However, as this information is contained in a large number of documents (distributed throughout the company), the manual creation of the carbon footprint represents an enormous challenge for companies.

Building AI Ventures To Make Life Easier

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