Venture Building

Developing new digital companies

Digital disruption is radically changing markets. Digitization and artificial intelligence (AI) are enabling new digital business models, services and products. Traditional business models are being replaced by companies such as Airbnb, Amazon and Uber. Customer centricity and efficiency are in the foreground. Companies must therefore constantly rethink their market positioning in order to remain competitive.

Against this background, we are developing new digital, AI-based business models via venture building. Venture building enables the combination of the advantages of an innovative new business idea with the resources of an established sponsoring company.

We are currently developing two digital, AI-based ventures:

  • a digital, AI-based B2B service platform for the fully automated verification of technical damage and maintenance invoices in the automotive and elementary sectors
  • A digital, AI-based B2C service platform for access to a better hearing experience through hearing aids

We call our ventures ROCKETS. AI ROCKETS acts as the launching pad or financing company.


„We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.“

John F. Kennedy

The term ROCKET is inspired by the so-called "moonshots" or moonshot thinking. This term, used particularly in Silicon Valley, refers to John F. Kennedy's famous speech in 1962, in which he announced that the USA would put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth by the end of the decade.

At the time, this goal seemed almost unattainable. Thus, an enormous financial and human effort was required to implement one of the largest research projects ever within the given time schedule.

At that time, it was still controversial among scientists whether a manned moon landing was possible at all. In the end, enormous efforts actually led to success.

So Kennedy's speech merely formulated a goal and set the time frame. Many years after the moon landing, this approach is used as a philosophy, also called moonshot thinking. Projects are launched to solve major challenges with the help of (disruptive) technology. The projects are associated with an implementation risk. However, the potential for success is correspondingly greater.

Well-known examples of moonshot thinking are the company SpaceX with its unrivaled low-cost transports into space by means of reusable rockets or Company X (formerly Google X), which spins off successfully implemented innovation projects into independent organizations. This has created the Waymo company (autonomous driving), among others.

At the tean, too, the solutions created in projects are further developed into independent business models, the so-called ROCKETS. While the ROCKETS have their own staff and operational management, the tean continues to act as a development or technology partner. Examples of
the tean's ROCKETS are AI-based digital service platforms in the areas of finance and digital health.


Diversification through
new products

Additional sales through
the development of
new markets

Staying ahead of the
competition through



Phase 1: Idea

  • We come across a problem in an industry and analyze it.
  • We develop ideas on how to solve the problem and evaluate them.

Phase 2: Development

  • We implement the best idea as a prototype – together with an interdisciplinary, international team of experts. We work with new technologies such as AI.
  • We validate the implementation of the prototype with launch customers.

Phase 3: Growth

  • In addition to technological development, we also take care of financing, branding, marketing, sales and team building.
  • We support the new company as mentor until the successful market entry.

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We Create Digital Leaders Using AI

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9444 Diepoldsau
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